// 2024
Drechsel, Matti; Förster, Nick; Schubert, Gerhard; Petzold, Frank.„Situating Digital Participation - Incorporating material, contextual, and performative learnings into digital toolkits“ In: Data-Driven Intelligence - Proceedings of the 42nd Conference on Education and Research in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe (eCAADe 2024) 2, 465-474
Schubert, Gerhard. Künstliche Intelligenz - Künstliche Architektur?
BDA-Partnertag zur Rolle von KI beim Planen und Bauen. 12.04.2024, Berlin
Dortheimer, Jonathan; Martelaro, Nikolas; Sprecher, Aaron; Schubert, Gerhard. „Evaluating large-language-model chatbots to engage communities in large-scale design projects“ In: Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing, 38, e4, 1–16 https://doi.org/10.1017/S0890060424000027
// 2023
Drechsel, Matti; Förster, Nick; Schubert, Gerhard; Petzold, Frank. „Mobilizing Publics - Reconsidering digital design as a catalyst in co-creation processes“ In: Proceedings of eCAADe 2023
Dortheimer, Jonathan; Schubert Gerhard; Dalach, Agatha; Brenner, Lielle; Martelaro, Nikolas. „Think AI-side the Box! - Exploring the Usability of Text-to-Image Generators for Architecture Students“ In: Proceedings of eCAADe 2023
Schubert, Gerhard; Bratoev, Ivan; Petzold, Frank. "Decision Support Systems in Architecture—A Future Perspective" Buildings 13, no. 8: 1952. https://doi.org/10.3390/buildings13081952
Petzold, Frank; González Böhme, Luis Felipe; Schubert, Gerhard. Special Issue "Architectural Design Supported by Information Technology", Buildings, mdpi - Guest Editors
// 2022
Dortheimer, Jonathan; Martelaro, Nikolas; Schubert, Gerhard; Sprecher, Aaron. „Chatbots in the Design Process - Automating Design Conversation in Urban Design Projects“ DCC: International Conference on - Design Computing and Cognition - poster
Frank Petzold, Gerhard Schubert, Ivan Bratoev, Jakob Fellner, Nick Förster (2022) Crowd Safety: Interaktive Entwurfsplanung unter Berücksichtigung von Personenströmen und deren Sicherheitsaspekten, BBSR-Online Publikation 16/2022, Bonn
Nick Förster, Ivan Bratoev, Jakob Fellner, Gerhard Schubert, Frank Petzold (2022) Collaborating with the crowd, In: International Journal of Architectural Computing (IJAC)
DOI: 10.1177/14780771221082258
Nick Foerster, Gerhard Schubert, Frank Petzold (2022) Rebugging the Smart City. Design Explorations of Digital Urban Infrastructure, In: Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia
CAADRIA 2022, Sydney, Australia
Gerhard Schubert (2022) Mixed Reality is Bridging the Gap, architektur.aktuell, No. 504, 3.2022
Sarah L. Muehlhaus, Chloe Eghtebas, Nils Seifert, Gerhard Schubert, Frank Petzold & Gudrun Klinker (2022) Game.UP: Gamified Urban Planning Participation Enhancing Exploration, Motivation, and Interactions, International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction
// 2021
// 2019
- Schubert, Gerhard; Bratoev, Ivan; Strelchenko, Vadym; Petzold, Frank. I hear what you are doing! Workspace Awareness in Collaborative Virtual Environments, In: Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia
CAADRIA 2019, Wellington, New Zealand
- Nandavar, Aniruth; Petzold, Frank; Schubert, Gerhard; Youssef, Elie. Open BIM in a new Dimension - A simple, OpenBIM standards based Virtual reality collaboration technique for BIM, In: Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia
CAADRIA 2019, Wellington, New Zealand
// 2018
Simulationsgestützte Entwurfsplanung im städtebaulichen Kontext unter Berücksichtigung energetischer und raumklimatischer Aspekte.
Conference Design Computing 2018 - Exhibition, Faculty of architecture, Faculty of civil engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague, 10-17 October 2018
ISMAR 2019 - TUM Open House Reception
Two student projects from the research project CDP // Collaborative Design Platform were presented during the ISMAR ’18 TUM Open House Reception. The Demo for the master thesis “Mixed Reality in Architectural Design: Interaction and Visualization Techniques for Different Scales” demonstrates the results from the exploration of different interaction and visualization techniques that can be utilized with an AR HMD. The Interdisciplinary Project “CDP // 3D Modelling with VR Sketches” expands upon the preexisting VR Environment for the CDP by giving the user generated Sketches function and context.
Bratoev, I., Schubert, G., Petzold, Chokhachian, A., Bonnet, C., Petzold, F., Auer, T. Schubert, G., Interactive Solar Potential Simulation For Early Stage Urban Planning
BAUSIM 2018 / Karlsruhe, Germany
Anirudh, INTERACTIVE VIRTUAL REALITY TOOL FOR BIM BASED ON IFC - Development of OpenBIM and Game Engine Based Layout Planning Tool - A Novel Concept to Integrate BIM and VR with Bi-Directional Data Exchange
CAADRIA 2018 / Beijing, China
Schubert, G. Mixing Design Realities - Stadtplanung durch die digitale Brille. University of Applied Science, Upper Austria, 2017.03.02.
bautec 2018. Live-Mockup at BBSR
// 2017
Bonnet, C., Bratoev, I., Schubert, G., Chokhachian, A., Petzold, F., Auer, T. Designing and Evaluating District Heating Networks with Simulation Based Urban Planning
URBAN-CEQ 2017 / full paper, Genua, Italy
Schubert, G., Bratoev, I., Petzold, F. Visual Programming meets Tangible Interfaces
eCAADe 2017 / full paper, Rome, Italy
Schubert, G. Talk at the IX 2017 - Immersion, Experience Symposium
Montréal, Canada
// 2016
Schubert, G. BIM in Early Design Stages - CDP // Collaborative Design Platform
BIM World Munich 2016
Schubert, G. Verschattungsanalysen und Windsimulatoren
Bauwelt 38.2016
Plotnikov, B., Schubert, G., Petzold, F. Tangible Grasshopper - a method to combine physical models with generative, parametric tools
eCAADe 2016 / full paper, Oulu, Finland
Schubert, G., Strobel, B., Petzold, F. Tangible Mixed Reality: Interactive augmented visualization of digital simulations in physical working models
CAADRIA 2016 / full paper, Melbourne, Australia.
Interactive Interfaces: Tangible Tools for Architectural Design
The Sixth German-Russian Week of the Young Researcher, Moscow
Mixing Design Worlds
Joint VR/MR Meetup at V2C - presentation and live demo
BBC World - The Collaborative Design Platform for urban planning and strategy discussion
Schubert, G. Informed Architecture - new strategies and possibilities for urban planning and design
Presentation and Workshop at Tongji University Shanghai
Schubert, G. CDP - Collaborative Design Platform
Yearbook 2015, Faculty of Architecture, TU München
Schubert, G. Digitale Planungswerkzeuge im urbanen Kontext - objektive Kriterien als Grundlage für den Entscheidungsprozess
Kooperationsseminar der Georg von Vollmar Akademie e.V.: Energiewende und Energiepolitik im 21. Jahrhundert
// 2015
Schubert, G. Collaborative Design Platform: Decision Support im kreativen Prozess
LOC Center Day 2015, Munich
Die Zukunftsstadt planen. Aviso - Bayrisches Staatsministerium für Bildung und Kultus, Wissenschaft und Kunst, 4|2015, p.40-43
Während auf der künftigen Baustelle noch der Weizen steht. ID - Magazin des Bayrischen Bauindustrieverbandes e.V., September 2015, p.40-43
Presentation CDP - Eröffnung ZENTRUM DIGITALISIERUNG.BAYERN // 27.07.2015, Garching - Munich
G., Schubert, Schattel, D., Tönnis, M., Klinker, G., Petzold, F. (2015) Tangible mixed reality on-site: Interactive augmented visualisations from architectural working models in urban design
CAADfutures 2015 / full paper, Sao Paulo.
Petzold, F., Schubert, G., Mühlhaus, M., Seifert, N. (2015). GIS vs. BIM - semantische Modelle in frühen Planungs- und Entwurfsphasen in Kolbe, Thomas; Bill, Ralf und Donaubauer, Andreas. Geoinformationssysteme 2015
Munich, Germany
Schubert, G. (2015), Petzold, F.. Interactive workshop and presentation at the Winterklausur der CSU-Landtagsfraktion: "Freistaat Bayern: bürgernah - verlässlich - innovativ"
Wildbadkreuth, Germany
ON IMAGES - 10 views
documentary by Heiner Stadler
Schubert, G. (2015) Member of the idw-expert list in topic: Zukunftsstadt
1st price "Auf IT gebaut 2015" (Schubert, G.)
// 2014
Schubert, G. (2014) Interaktionsformen für das digitale Entwerfen: Konzeption und Umsetzung einer rechnergestützten Entwurfsplattform für die städtebaulichen Phasen in der Architektur, Dissertation. Technical University of Munich. Department of Architectur, Chair for Architektural Informatics.
Goldschwendt, T., Anthes, C., Schubert, G., Petzold, F., Kranzlmüller, D. (2014) The Collaborative Design Platform Protocol - A Protocol for a Mixed Reality Installation for Improved Incorporation of Laypeople in Architecture (Poster)
VRST 2014, Edinburgh, UK.
Goldschwendt, T., Anthes, C., Schubert, G., Kranzlmüller, D., Petzold, F. (2014) [Demo] The Collaborative Design Platform Protocol –
A Protocol for a Mixed Reality Installation for Improved Incorporation of Laypeople in Architecture.
ISMAR 2014, Munich.
Schattel, D., Tönnis, M., Klinker, G., Schubert, G., Petzold, F. (2014) [Demo] On-Site Augmented Collaborative Architecture Visualization.
ISMAR 2014, Munich.
Schubert, G., M. Tönnis, V. Yanev, G. Klinker, F. Petzold (2014)
Dynamic 3D-Sketching | A design tool for urban and architectural design
CAADRIA 2014, Kyoto
Ritter, F., Schubert, G., Geyer, P. Borrmann, A., Petzold, F. (2014)
Design Decision Support - Real-time Energy Simulation in early design stages
ICCCBE 2014, Orlando, Florida
Ritter, F., Schubert, G. (2014)
Integration digitaler Gebäudesimulationen in den frühen Entwurfsphasen
Forum Bauinformatik 2014, Darmstadt
Schubert, G. (2014) Real - Digital. Interactive design support for urban planing.
Talk at Leibniz Rechenzentrum, München
Schattel, D. (2014) On-Site Mobile Augmented Reality by Means of Network Managed Architectural Design Content.
Master Thesis, Supervisor: Klinker, Gudrun, Advisor: Petzold, Frank; Tönnis, Marcus; Schubert, Gerhard; Technische Universität München, Fakultät für Informatik
User Report: 3Dconnexion
Collaborative Design Platform - Navigation durch die virtuellen Städte der Zukunft
Medienstaatssekretär Franz Josef Pschierer on the ISMAR 2014
from minute 1:22 onwards
MediaclAugmentedReality blog
Impressions of ISMAR 2014
Funding: Schubert, G. Mensch-Computer-Interaktion in frühen Entwurfsphasen.
Dr. Marshall Stiftung
Dr. Marshall Preis 2014 (Schubert, G.)
// 2013
Schubert, G., S. Riedel, F. Petzold (2013) Seamfully connected | Real working models as tangible interfaces for architectural design
CAADFutures 2013
Schubert, G., F. Petzold (2013) Digitales Entwerfen im städtebaulichen Kontext
Workshop 3D-Stadtmodelle, Bonn
Schubert, G. (2013) Design Decision Support - digital tools for early urban design | International buildingSMART BIM Week & Forum 2013
Goldschwendt, Tibor. (2013) The Collaborative Design Platform Protocol: Design and Implementation of a Protocol for Networked Virtual Environments and CAVE Peer Development
Bachelor Thesis, Supervisor: Kranzlmüller, Dieter, Advisor: Petzold, Frank; Anthes, Christoph; Schubert, Gerhard; Ludiwg-Maximilians-Universität München, Institut für Informatik
Petzold, F., G. Schubert (04.2013) internal talk: ETH Zürich
// 2012
Schubert, G., E. Artinger, V. Yanev, F. Petzold, G. Klinker. (2012) 3D Virtuality Sketching - Interactive 3D-sketching based on real models in a virtual scene
ACADIA 2012 / San Francisco, California
Schubert, G., C. Anthes, D. Kranzlmüller, F. Petzold (2012) From Physical to Virtual: Real-Time immersive visualisations from an architect's working model
CONVR 2012 / Taipei, Taiwan
Schubert, G. (2012) Early Design Support - Interaktive Simulationen in frühen Entwurfsphasen
Forum Bauinformatik 2012 / Bochum, Germany
Yanev, Violin. (2012) 3D virtuality sketching: a freehand sketch tool for conceptual urban design in architecture.
Master Thesis, Supervisor: Klinker, Gudrun, Advisor: Petzold, Frank; Artinger, Eva; Schubert, Gerhard; Technische Universität München, Fakultät für Informatik
Petzold, F., Schubert, G. (2012) Collaborative Design Platform. The Martin Centre Research Seminar Series-University of Cambridge, 2012
1st PRICE: Auf IT Gebaut (Yanev, V.)
// 2011
Schubert, G., E. Artinger, F. Petzold, G. Klinker. (2011) Tangible tools for architectural design - seamless integration into the architectural workflow
Proceedings of ACADIA 2011 / Banff, Canada
- Schubert, G., E. Artinger, F. Petzold, G. Klinker. (2011) Bridging the Gap. A (Collaborative) Design Platform for early design stages
Proceedings of eCAADe 2011 / Ljubljana, Slovenien
Petzold, F., Schubert, G. (2011). Vom CAD zur Architekturinformatik. Vortragsprogramm 16. Münchner Fortbildungsseminar
Munich, Germany
Franz Berberich Preis 2011 (Schubert, G.)

